Interplanetary Distributed Literature Catalog

Literature Data Collections

DATA: all collections, human readable html
DATA: all collections, machine readable json
collection monitoring stats here
Currently monitored collections:
Library Genesis (web|wiki|data src)
Sci-Hub/scimag  (web|wiki|data src)
Anna's-Archive  (web|wiki|data src)
Library of Alexandria  (permanently lost due to 🔥)
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IPDB is dedicated to all great libraries of history.
It continuously monitors the health of their backbones
The backbones or backends of these shadow libraries is run by a random loose knit group of volunteers, literature and freedom enthusiasts
Most shadow libraries make use of Torrent and IPFS for storage, backup and distribution
Monitoring the health of torrent collections is done by means of DHT and querying tracker
This system is powered by TSMD
Torrent Swarm Monitoring Daemon is developed here
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Join the Interplanetary Network

Got some computer, storage and bandwidth? Adopt a few Torrents and seed forever!
Got skills? Contribute code!
Want to join the movement? Find the others??
anna's subreddit
sci-hubs' subreddit
Start small? Host more copies of this service.
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See also

How to seed
Libgen-seedtools: manage large scale seeding operations: (github) (pypy)
A page tracking related data sets:
Awesome-Libgen: Info collection related to the general shadow library eco-system(github)
ASCII art credits: see individual tags
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